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Don't underestimate what God can do with a few men who will simply show up for the battle
"And they shall repair the ruined cities, The desolations of many generations." -Isaiah 61:4

Get Battle-Ready to Bring the Gospel of
the Kingdom to the Frontlines of Culture
Be trained to move the church from the playground of American Christianity back to the battleground of Biblical Christianity
Business & Entrepreneurship
Get hands-on, in the trenches training from veteran Christian Businessesmen
& Politics
"Get equipped to be a frontline warrior to impact law and societal change to produce a much needed reformation in our day.
(Click Apply to Get Updates about School Launch)
The Pilot Semester Begins September 12, 2024

Meet Founder Rusty Thomas
Our Vision is to Equip Courageous Leaders with a Spirit of Reformation
Rusty Thomas is a veteran abolitionist leader and former national director of Operation Rescue / Operation Save America. He has given his life and ministry to calling the church to move out of the comfort of the four walls in order to bring the gospel of the Kingdom to the gates of Culture. Rusty Launched KLI because he saw a deficit of leaders who were grounded in the Scripture, a Biblical worldview, who would courageously replace the culture of death savaging America with a culture of godly life.
"Rusty Thomas's passionate voice cries in the wilderness of America. His message carries a clarion call that challenges our young to advance the Christian faith and the liberty it secures for our nation."
-William J. Federer, American Minute, Bestselling Author
You weren't meant to live a play-it-safe, bored, American Christian life!
Join KLI and let God stir you to live as a courageous, frontline warrior in God's plan
for the nations!
(Click Apply to Get Updates about School Launch)
The Kingdom Leadership Institute was a monumental event in my life. Through Rusty Thomas, God instilled in me a fire and hunger in my spirit. I learned many new things and my eyes were open to the desperate need for strong, godly men in our generation. My courage was strengthened.
-Ryan D
Kingom Leadership Institue was a time a boy became a man to serve and protect the poor, the needy, and women and to disciple nations. I learned that men can no longer be passive. We can no longer be cowards. We must be valiant men for the Lord, protecting the cross and His people.
-Joshua T
(Testimonies from the Kingdom Leadership Institute event)

Become a Man of Action

A thorough systematic study of scripture, history and your chosen field.
Apply what you learn through practical exercises and hands on experiences.
Multiply and build the kingdom by teaching what you've learned to others.
"The Church has been impotent to deal with evil because we lack men of letters, integrity, courage and action who will live out the scripture"

A 2-Year Intense Online Program
Video Based
Monthly Live Teaching
Live Small
Watch lessons on your own schedule as you train for the ministry.
Get connected to regular live online events with opportunity for Q&A
Interact with an online cohort for discussion, prayer and encouragement

The great need of the hour is for prophetic reformers to take what is and make it what it ought to be according to the Bible
"... the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do..."
- 1 Chron 12:32
Subscribe & You Will
Receive a Free Chapter of "Biblical
Strategies to Abolish Abortion"
Kingdom education
isn't just about memorizing facts.
True education involves the transformation of a man's character, the discipline of renewing his mind, and the training of his body to bring him into subjection to obeying the Lord's will in the earth (1 Cor. 9:27).
Click to be the first to know when Enrollment's opening

Strong of Limb
One can have a great education, a tremendous vision to serve God, and precious unction to preach, but if that man does not have a healthy, strong body, it will limit his capacity to serve the Lord faithfully. Regardless of what field of study a student signs up for, part of the KLI training is physical exercise.

Keen of Wit
Each student will be trained in a Biblical worldview concerning their chosen field of study. Logic, Biblical reasoning, and apologetic training to defend the faith will be required by each student. The divine purpose is to fulfill 1 Peter 3:15, which states, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.”

Fervent of Spirit
The demand upon every student that goes through the KLI School is one of excellence. Each student will be required to master his passions and desires to reflect the godly character of Christ. Each student must conquer laziness. No half-heartedness, no half-measures, or partial truths or efforts will be tolerated. We seek students whose hearts burn with the revelation of the Word of God and the fiery power of His Holy Spirit to become servant leaders a time like this demands
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